So, it’s the time of year when Corporate Budgets are set from all corners of the Corporate World and we, the officers of the NPL, ROPOA and Legal Team of SPV-AMC, no less different from the other monkeys balancing their tails (along with the rest of their extremities) inside the corporate jungle, veterans not only in account and property management, but also of last minute individual budget presentations,
(or cramming, to put it bluntly) found themselves highing off to Subic Bay for the 2nd time, with no less than two members of their Singaporean Bank shareholders behind their backs, for moral support (daw). Hehe!
Courtesy of a consultant who is a member of the Subic Bay Yacht Club, our accommodations were….FANTASTIC(!!!), to say the least. Each room holds 2 Q-sized beds,
a bathroom bigger than the living room at home furnished with a Jacuzzi tub, a shower room with nozzles everywhere that sends a jet stream of water from ALL ANGLES (sorry, walang ganyan sa Parañaque),
and an unforgiving wall length mirror that can squeal to the next user if it could talk. Haha!
Anyway, the nitty gritty was that we are a company managing a Php___!!!! worth of NPL and ROPOA Portfolio, owing Php___!!!! to one of the World’s Top International Financial Institutions, the MAIN GOAL, thus, for 2008 is to collect Php___!!!! every quarter beginning March 2008.
After the silence that followed while the mind processed this bit of information, came the open-mouthed, incredulous look of every account and property officer. “How, pray tell, are we going to collect that sum of money in the short amount of time, given our hodge podge of accounts, blessed (unfortunately) with hoity-toity owners who, putting it mindly, continue to REFUSE a REASONABLE settlement plan?
“Be creative”, says our Aussie Country Manager. “Ibugaw ang mga AO’s!”, says our Loan Management Head. “You can do it!”, says our Singaporean shareholders. And so, the consensus was, with the blessing of our Legal counsel, we will prostitute ourselves. Haha! “Financial Consultants, service with a Plus!”
Work hard, Play hard. After the planning proper, the troops, freshly incentivised with a generous bonus if they could pull the goal in 2008, got ready for some serious jungle trekking with an Aeta guide
and some yachting, ala lifestyle of the rich and famous,
in the murky, jellyfish-invested waters of Subic Bay.
Till next Planning!
(or cramming, to put it bluntly) found themselves highing off to Subic Bay for the 2nd time, with no less than two members of their Singaporean Bank shareholders behind their backs, for moral support (daw). Hehe!
Courtesy of a consultant who is a member of the Subic Bay Yacht Club, our accommodations were….FANTASTIC(!!!), to say the least. Each room holds 2 Q-sized beds,
a bathroom bigger than the living room at home furnished with a Jacuzzi tub, a shower room with nozzles everywhere that sends a jet stream of water from ALL ANGLES (sorry, walang ganyan sa Parañaque),
and an unforgiving wall length mirror that can squeal to the next user if it could talk. Haha!
Anyway, the nitty gritty was that we are a company managing a Php___!!!! worth of NPL and ROPOA Portfolio, owing Php___!!!! to one of the World’s Top International Financial Institutions, the MAIN GOAL, thus, for 2008 is to collect Php___!!!! every quarter beginning March 2008.
After the silence that followed while the mind processed this bit of information, came the open-mouthed, incredulous look of every account and property officer. “How, pray tell, are we going to collect that sum of money in the short amount of time, given our hodge podge of accounts, blessed (unfortunately) with hoity-toity owners who, putting it mindly, continue to REFUSE a REASONABLE settlement plan?
“Be creative”, says our Aussie Country Manager. “Ibugaw ang mga AO’s!”, says our Loan Management Head. “You can do it!”, says our Singaporean shareholders. And so, the consensus was, with the blessing of our Legal counsel, we will prostitute ourselves. Haha! “Financial Consultants, service with a Plus!”
Work hard, Play hard. After the planning proper, the troops, freshly incentivised with a generous bonus if they could pull the goal in 2008, got ready for some serious jungle trekking with an Aeta guide
and some yachting, ala lifestyle of the rich and famous,
in the murky, jellyfish-invested waters of Subic Bay.
Till next Planning!