Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another SMS from "R"

R: "Why are you on leave?"

Obviously, the staff in the office have been telling callers that I'm already on Maternity Leave as I've been receiving mobile calls from my Accounts congratulating me on my soon to be Mom status, others saying that they didn't know that I got married (questions like these I had to sidestep).

And so, here I am on my old, trying-hard laptop, corresponding with the office through email and I get the above text. So my answer was,

Ton: Nada. I didn't text back.

Its not that I'm still carrying a lovey-dovey olympiad torch for "R". Its more of a " could you just please just stay where you are and please don't ask me anymore questions about my life now" kind of thing. Sure, we had something really great in the past but that's over (he'd seen to that) so he shouldn't be breezing back and expecting me to be the same person that he left.

I know that one can never keep something for so long. A balikbayan college friend rang me up recently, saying that she wanted to round up our old college group, for a trip down memory lane. She got tongue-tied for a while when I told her I was pregnant and to think that we would correspond by email, albeit seldomly.

Anyway, I don't want to be rude to "R" so I hope he doesn't call my mobile to press further because if he does, we both might end up getting upset all over again and its just a waste of my breath.

I'll be seeing and holding and touching and smelling my Anton this Saturday, August 11, 2007, at Medical City. I'm excited, I'm terrified and I'm happy. Can you believe that I'm experiencing all these 3 emotions simultaneously? Like my friend, Fred said, "Its a new chapter in your life."

It definitely is.

National Geographic Photo of the Day