Monday, June 04, 2007

An "I" no longer but "Us"

I was telling my friend, Pat M. how much I am looking forward to my son's birth come August and that all I really want to do after that happens is to hold him close, gaze at him, kiss him, smell him. Anton is the miracle of which I've been blessed to have been given, the privelege of participating in God's continuing creation of Life. With this privelege comes the knowledge that Anton belongs to God and he will follow the path that God has made out for him the moment he was conceived.

But that's still a long time from now. In the meantime, I look forward to being his constant companion, his playmate, storyteller, caregiver, ally...his mother. And the next time someone asks me if there's someone home waiting for me, my answer will be yes, my little boy is at home, waiting for me.

Home is where Anton is. Nothing is more important now, nothing will ever come close.

National Geographic Photo of the Day