6 months and one week into my pregnancy and I feel like I’m carrying Baby Shamu. My OB says that for a first timer, my pregnancy is a bit big. The thing is, I don’t eat too much naman coz I get full right away. My breathing each day is starting to get labored as Anton continues to take up more space in my uterus, pushing and squeezing my vital organs to the side. Sleeping on my left side is the most comfortable position I can muster as I can just roll of the bed to get up. Haha! Really, its hard to get a comfortable sleeping position at this stage and I imagine that it will be so until I deliver. However, I still like watching the progress of my growing belly in the mirror, front, sideways and rear end. Wow, if it already feels like Baby Shamu now, what more in my 9th month?
I spent the weekend in Tagaytay with my Tagaytay Buddy and we stayed at Days Hotel. We had a very comfy stay as Days was quite preggy friendly. All rooms have a porch that faced Taal Lake and complimentary breakfast was quite good. It was cloudy that Saturday but we managed to visit Sonya’s Garden / Bed and Breakfast just for Tagaytay Buddy to see what the place was all about. We looked into the biggest room (can accommodate 13-16 people) and although each room is quite dainty with lace curtains, bed linens and pillowcases, there were no doors separating the rooms. Its ok to stay there if you’re with your ka-berks, but not when you want privacy.
Of course, the experience of being in Sonya’s Garden centers on the food where you eat salads and pasta grown from her own garden arranged in quaint and dainty cups, plates and silverware. As I have experienced dining in Sonya’s Garden before, her secret recipe that makes people go for her salads is the dressing. Really a meal in itself. Tagaytay Buddy however, is not too keen on pasta, salad and veggies but did enjoy walking around the garden.
There was not much activity open for me considering my condition so visiting Caleruega to see the new water fountain attraction that was located along the driveway going down did not seem like a good idea. The walking down was not a problem but the walking back up was…unless Tagaytay Buddy was willing to carry 143 pounds worth of me and Anton together in one go. Haha!
Anyway, Tagaytay has always been the place to relax and unwind and the past 2 days was no exception. We topped the weekend at Café Breton at Sta. Rosa (had yummy burger and chicken sandwhiches) for our late Sunday lunch (1:30pm) before hitting the SLEX back to Manila.
Its really hard for me to get back to corporate mode after having a Tagaytay weekend. All my pregnant body wanted to do was prolong my relaxed state and I was late for work the following day. I hope TB enjoyed the weekend as much as I did as it was also a time for him to clear his head and soothe his broken heart.
I spent the weekend in Tagaytay with my Tagaytay Buddy and we stayed at Days Hotel. We had a very comfy stay as Days was quite preggy friendly. All rooms have a porch that faced Taal Lake and complimentary breakfast was quite good. It was cloudy that Saturday but we managed to visit Sonya’s Garden / Bed and Breakfast just for Tagaytay Buddy to see what the place was all about. We looked into the biggest room (can accommodate 13-16 people) and although each room is quite dainty with lace curtains, bed linens and pillowcases, there were no doors separating the rooms. Its ok to stay there if you’re with your ka-berks, but not when you want privacy.
Of course, the experience of being in Sonya’s Garden centers on the food where you eat salads and pasta grown from her own garden arranged in quaint and dainty cups, plates and silverware. As I have experienced dining in Sonya’s Garden before, her secret recipe that makes people go for her salads is the dressing. Really a meal in itself. Tagaytay Buddy however, is not too keen on pasta, salad and veggies but did enjoy walking around the garden.
There was not much activity open for me considering my condition so visiting Caleruega to see the new water fountain attraction that was located along the driveway going down did not seem like a good idea. The walking down was not a problem but the walking back up was…unless Tagaytay Buddy was willing to carry 143 pounds worth of me and Anton together in one go. Haha!
Anyway, Tagaytay has always been the place to relax and unwind and the past 2 days was no exception. We topped the weekend at Café Breton at Sta. Rosa (had yummy burger and chicken sandwhiches) for our late Sunday lunch (1:30pm) before hitting the SLEX back to Manila.
Its really hard for me to get back to corporate mode after having a Tagaytay weekend. All my pregnant body wanted to do was prolong my relaxed state and I was late for work the following day. I hope TB enjoyed the weekend as much as I did as it was also a time for him to clear his head and soothe his broken heart.