I haven't been posting as much as I would have wanted cuz I got pretty addicted to Facebook, the newest networking site. I'm sure everyone who uses the internet is already familiar with Facebook thus explanations are unncessary. So, what have I been doing apart from Mommy duties and Facebook?
Well, WORK is one. I managed to close several deals over the past several months, contributing to the company's coffers, and has made me a happy camper for some time. It didn't come with ease and finesse but with a lot of gut-wrenching samaan ng loob with my bosses, irate calls from the other party, but all's well ends well. :-) And of course, there are the usual accounts that still refuse to budge which is what I have to focus on for next year. In the meantime, I just need to ensure that the collections from the settlements I've made so far all comes in by year end. Hopefully, no year end past due surprises.
I went back to playing Badminton and have been trying to keep to my regular playing schedule of Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7-9pm. I managed to lose 10lbs of the pregnancy weight but still need to lose 10 lbs more and its proving to be difficult. My weight dances over and around Manny Pacquiao's feather weight and I need to keep it below that number. :-) Ay, how difficult especially with the coming Holidays and lunch-outs that are becoming quite frequent.
I've made plans to go to Batanes again come February 2009 and I'm pretty excited about it. :-) This time, I am joining Mandy Navasero's Photo Safari Group together with B., a Cebu-based acquaintance ( hopefully become a good friend) and her friends. I'm not really deep into photography, considering the logistics, but I do enjoy taking pictures from my derelict Olympus Camera and visiting Batanes for no other reason but just to enjoy the place again, is something that I couldn't pass up. :-)
Lastly, last night, I rejoiced with a couple who finally was able to experience parenthood for the first time. They became foster parents to a baby girl after trying unsuccessfuly to conceive a child of their own. I don't consider this couple as good friends yet, but I hope they would turn out to be. I held the pretty baby in my arms and I realize that you don't have to actually give birth to a baby to feel the connection. I told J that she conceived and borned baby C in her heart and a mother's heart knows no boundaries, limits, conditions. The way J was tenderly holding the baby brought a smile to my heart. They are temporarily based here in Manila because the guy, K, is training to be a pilot for a major domestic airline though they go home every so often to their southern home as that is where the clan is.
Tonight is the first showing of Twilight, the Stephanie Meyer series that has captured the world by storm and making every female wishing they had their own Edward Cullen. :-) B. and I reserved seats via Ayala's sureseats.
TB? Wala. We're BOALs (Buddies of a Lifetime).
Anton's Baby Blah:
1) Nana (wala na) (said when he throws something on the floor like his diaper, etc, finishes his milk, unplugs the electric fan (!!!), after making poo poo, after saying bye bye)
2) Boa (Bola or Ball and this defines everything that is round, like wheels, christmas ornaments, ring, plates, saucers, etc.)
3) Baybeeee (pictures of babies and children on all sorts of labels, magazines, tv ads)
4) Uuuuuy ( expression for anything)
5) Daddy-wo (his lolo)
6) Mammeee (yours truly)
7) Ba! (baba, when he wants to go down, or to be put on the floor)
8) Yuuun! (pointing everywhere when asked, nasaan si Baby Jesus?, pointing to his small cabinet when asked, asan ang gamit ng baby?)